Tuesday 31 March 2009

One Third

Yep, a third of the way there already. Saving for the airfares/accom/transport that is. Just about ready to buy a plane ticket.

So fucking excited ^_^

Monday 23 March 2009

Yes, I know

Ok ok, I know - its all turning into a 'want to eat' blog. But if I don't enter it I won't remember it!

I just read this on ocau;

Chocolate Therapy by Ben and Jerrys.

Yeah....fuck yeah. That's a must do.

Thursday 19 March 2009

man v food

Alright. I've just discovered that Phillippe's French Dipped sandwhich place is in LA, not too far from the air port. Ok, its a fair way and we'd have to taxi/bus it. But its a small price to pay.
I've also found where the spicey ramen place is from that ep, so I'm hoping we'll make it there too.

So, informations from that ep so I don't lose them:

Philippe's The Original - 1001 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
El Tepeyac - 812 North Evergreen Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033
Orochon Ramen - 123 South Onizuka Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Om nom nom nom :D

Fast Foods

Burger King


Popeyes Chicken.

Just a few places on the list of fast food joints I want to visit.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Viva Las Vegas

jaytee has informed me that he thinks he has managed to get us to Dallas, Vegas and Anaheim for the same amount I thought it'd cost for just Dallas. 
So I'm psyched about that. Vegas would be one hell of an experience.

Candeh and etc

Some things to buy;

Zippos, Cowboys merch, Poptarts, Apple Mentos, Milk Duds, DING DONGS :D

And some Jolly Ranchers. For Scotti.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

VLOG bubbles

I had a brilliant idea.

vlog. Yup. Low-quality dodgy point-and-shoot camera video capture. Of most of the trip.

Not only would it prove to be a great little adventure 'write-up' for SOGC, but also great for my memory (which would indeed be the reason why this blog is here!)
The thing that would make it a bunch better would be if I could get a slightly better camera before then....but you know, I'd get over it I reckon.

Jaytee reckons its a fantastic idea too. So I'm going with it, if I remember...ha! I hope so. :)

In other news, I've discovered that we'll be there at the end of US summer. WIN! I hate winter D:

Amongst the mess of google mapping I've been doing, I've also managed to come up with the idea of going to a real live US Maccas. :D
There's one a couple of k's from the hotel, and a Burger King across the road and down a bit. Also found the local Denny's whilst "trekking" back to the hotel from the Maccas. It is definitely within walking distance.

Speaking of all this map crap, I need to buy one or two.

ALSO: The Challenge! Get as many promo items from the booths and junk at the con. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Hopefully so much it almost doesn't fit in my suitcase! :D

Monday 9 March 2009

QuakeCon 2009

This will be my little "diary" if you will, of all of the things that are going down to do with QuakeCon 2009...

On 8th March 2009 Jaytee was talking to me on msn about attending QuakeCon. I know he's been dying to go for a long time. He has decided to go this year. Expensive trip, but certainly jam-packed full of fun.
Soon he proposed that I come with. I couldn't say no.
I've been looking at my finances ever since, just stretching every last dollar to see if I can afford it.
So far I'm good for QuakeCon. It's settled. Unless unforseen circumstances arise, I'm doing it.
The rest of his proposed trip is unlikely, and I'm not too fussed if I can't make it. He's doing BlizzCon and a Las Vegas trip at the same time.

So QuakeCon. Dallas, Texas, USA. How fucking exciting. It spans from the 13th to the 16th of August. Hosted at the Hilton Anatole pretty much right in the centre of the city. They give discounts for the better rooms to the Conners.
I've just read the run-down on what the hotel room offers you...."Free copy of USA Today every morning at your door"
Holy crap. That in itself excites the hell out of me.

I haven't worked out whether I want to BYOC or not. Sure, there's a massive LAN component, but I hear you can go the whole Con without sitting down once. Plus, theres a massive line-up on the first day.

Jaytee says we're doing this as a sort of "for SOGC" thing. Well, aside from having a stupidly good time.

I'm not sure if I'll be taking my laptop if I don't do BYOC...I think Jaytee will be taking his at any rate so I should be a go-er with that. If I don't take mine, I'll be taking my SLR. It's one or the other. I don't like the idea of travelling OS with both. Interstate, no probs. This way...nah no thanks.

Aside from being a dick and trying for as many freebies as I can manage to grab, I also really want to eat out, experience a diner, maybe a mall, and I'm hell bent on buying a large amount of chocolate and junk to take home.
Plus I'd really love to take my skateboard. But I know thats just stupidly farfetched that I'll even be able to use it...

Currently I'm throwing around all sorts of other ideas as well, like flying to Amarillo for a day or two straight after the Con. It's $150 though. And $1500 for a ticket to New York?! I'm thinking these sites really don't know how to calculate one-way fairs.

Thats all for now...