Thursday 30 July 2009

This is not yours to mess with.


Ok, so we have the Matt issue. He's weird, he's creepy, he's randomly going to the US at the same time we are (planned all of 3 weeks ahead) and is going to be in the same area at the same time. I've heard about it, I've ranted about it, I've tried to ignore it. Its working, for now. If he tries to glue himself to me again though, JT and I won't be providing an adhesive surface.

But Rodney fuckin' Grech? Are you serious? This guy barely has two dollars to rub together and he's asking, a week and a half out from take off, if theres any chance of tagging along on a trip that has already been booked and paid for and organised and cemented and passported and almost packed and is costing us each upwards of $5000?! WHAT THE HELL MAN!?

Why do people suddenly think "oh hey they're going on holidays I MIGHT GO WITH THEM" and why are they always the last people you wanna spend 2 weeks of your life seeing every day non stop?
If Tim had suddenly gone "screw this I'm coming with you guys" I would be totally all for it. He'd have to share a bed with JT but eh, thats his problem :P I like Tim, he's a nice guy and I'd probably send him more insane than the other way around.

But this...christ, I think I need some aspirine.

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