Tuesday 30 June 2009

Bart's riding in the front today because he's good at SPORTS!

So I have this plan, and its a real loose one that I've had for several years now. I wanna see a whole bunch of sports in the US that we don't get (or aren't as good) here.
The list of sports and the teams I'd like to see are as follows;

Baseball (MLB) - New York Yankees, LA Dodgers
Basketball (NBA) - Chicago Bulls, Orlando Magic, LA Lakers, New York Knicks
Ice Hockey (NHL) - Any
Grid Iron (NFL) - Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants/Jets, Denver Broncos, Miami Dolphins

On this trip I'm incredibly fortunate to be in LA when the Dodgers take on the Cubs. I've yet to buy a ticket but it will be done soon.

As a flipside to that, the Dallas Cowboys' Pre-season starts in August, and they are on an away-week whilst we're there. I'm majorly disappointed in this, as Dallas doesn't really seem like a place I'll want to visit again unless it is for Quakecon (thus presenting me with the same issue again, most likely) where as I feel I could probably revisit LA at any point in order to see a Dodgers game. This of course could be entirely wrong :)
I do intend on finding out about a possible tour of the stadium, regardless.

As it is currently Summer in the US, this completely rules out any chance of seeing the NHL, and pretty much the same for the NBA - their pre-season starts in September.

So this trip covers 1 of the 4 big ones. Well, 1 of 3, if I never see an NHL game I'll live.

I'd also like to grab some merchandise while I'm there, for the big 3. 
Some MLB caps (Yankees and Dodgers at least)
A baseball
Dodgers Pennant
Cowboys Jersey and/or a Bulls Jersey

Basically I'd love to get one of all three, so that'd include a Dodgers Jersey. 
But cost is fairly high for that sort of thing, event replicas are up around US$80 for an NFL/MLB Jersey, and around US$50 for an NBA Jersey.

I'll post again when I find out details on Cowboys Stadium tours.

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